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Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument (TKI)



tki-5-modes-of-conflict.pngWhen Managed Correctly... Conflict is a Powerful Catalyst

Conflict is not necessarily bad.  In fact, it can drive positive change and improve performance.  To do this, it's critical to manage conflict in a way that sets a foundation for healthy debate.  The low-cost Thomas-Kilmann Conflict profile (TKI) identifies five conflict management styles or modes.  Different modes are appropriate in different situations.  Explore which conflict mode is your primary preference and understand how to manage your less preferred modes across a wide range of scenarios.

What does the TKI measure?

  • tki-profile-scores.pngMeasures conflict across two dimensions: (1) Assertiveness, the extent to which an individual attempts to satisfy his or her own concerns; and (2) Cooperativeness, the extent to which an individual attempts to satisfy the other person's concerns
  • The two dimensions of behavior defines five methods of dealing with conflict: Competing, Collaborating, Compromising, Avoiding, Accommodating
  • Identifies your conflict-handling modes from your highest preference to lowest across the five modes
  • Provides a personalized analysis of results
  • Identifies strategies for each of the five modes and scenarios for when they are best used
  • Outlines the contributions of each conflict mode
  • Includes specific question to assess when you might overuse or underuse a conflict style 

Click here to request a sample TKI Conflict Mode Instrument Report"


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