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Profile Assessments



Everything DiSC® Management Profile




Leverage Your Management Strengths & Increase Employee Engagement

Everything DiSC Management provides managers with actionable strategies for increasing connection with employees, learning management strategies and driving team engagement. 

Use the DiSC Management profile assessment for: learning management strategies, developing others, motivating employees, increasing management influence, and improving communication effectiveness across teams.

Five Essential Takeaways to Drive Management Development

DiSC Management Profile

  • Introduction to Your Management Style: Discover how DiSC styles affect your management style and gain understanding of your unique priorities as a manager. 
  • Directing & Delegating: Learn strengths and challenges when directing and delegating. Gain an understanding of how to adjust style/behaviors to increase effectiveness of managing employees with different DiSC styles.
  • Motivation: Discover how your DiSC style affects the motivation of others. Identify how to create a motivating environment for different DiSC styles and what are the best ways to recognize and reward the different DiSC styles.
  • Developing Others: Learn about your natural style of developing others and how to adapt personal style to increase the ability of developing employees. 
  • Working with Your Manager: Gain an understanding of how your manager views you in the workplace. Learn to identify your managers priorities and preferences; advocating and getting buy-in and more effectively dealing with conflict.

Sample Profile
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Purchase of the DiSC Management Profile includes a complementary 30 minute debrief with a Certified DiSC Facilitator

Everything DiSC for Managers and Leaders

comparison-scale.pngComparison Reports are available for managers and leaders who need to work more effectively together. Reports can be generated for two individuals providing each individual with a personalized report comparing their personal style to that style of another leader or manager. Also, when a manager or leader wants to better understand how to communicate with a particular employee, a comparison report can also be generated for the manager and/or employee.

Sample Comparison Report

For insight into a management or leadership team or group, the Everything DiSC Facilitators Report and Everything DiSC Group Culture Report will highlight the distribution of styles across the four DiSC areas. In addition, the overall group culture will be identified to help management and leadership teams to understand their group culture and to work more effectively across the organization.

Sample Facilitators Report
Sample Group Culture Report

DiSC Management Facilitator Kit

DiSC Management Facilitation Kit

Deliver a powerful experience using the Everything DiSC Management Facilitator Kit. Six one-hour modules include fully-scripted facilitation with engaging experiential activities and management-focused video to create a personalized learning experience with actionable takeaways.

Easily Customizable: Modify PowerPoint, Leader's Guide, Handouts and switch out Video Clips to create a customized program for your management or leadership team. Fits any timeframe from one hour to a full day.

The Everything DiSC Management Facilitation Kit includes:

  • Leader's Guide in MS Word
  • PowerPoint with embedded video
  • Stand-alone, menu-driven video
  • Participant handouts in MS Word
  • Templates and Images for Customization
  • Sample Everything DiSC Management Profile
  • Online resources and research
  • Everything DiSC Management Interaction Guides (for 24 participants)

Modules 1-2: Discovering Your DiSC Management Style
Participants explore the influence their management style has on how you manage time, make decisions, and approach problems. Different management strategies are presented on how to recognize other people's DiSC styles and to increase influence and management effectiveness.

Module 3: Directing & Delegating
Participants increase awareness of personal directing and delegating styles. An action plan is developed to improve directing and delegating to a person(s) you manage.

Module 4: Motivation
Participants recognize how motivation differs across DiSC styles. A personal action plan is developed to create a more motivating environment.

Module 5: Developing Others
Participants learn how to identify and develop preferences of different employee styles. Development of an action plan will provide participants with an executable plan on how to develop a specific employee.

Module 6: Working With Your Manager
Participants become aware of how their managers might see them. Strategies are highlighted that provide different approaches for gaining buy-in across different management styles. A development plan is put into place on how to improve the effectiveness of working with your manager or other leaders.

In-Depth Video: Engaging video includes a six-minute introduction to DiSC Management styles plus 30 vignettes featuring real world, management-specific interactions.

Easy-to-Use: The entire Everything DiSC Management Facilitation Kit is totally portable delivered on a USB drive. Facilitation materials, video, PowerPoint, and support documents are contained on the USB drive.

Learn More About the Faciliation Kit

Everything DiSC® is a trademark of John Wiley & Sons, Inc. or its affiliated companies.

Corporate Teams and Profile Assessments are Independent Authorized Distributors of Wiley DiSC Products.

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