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Profile Assessments



Learn About Emergenetics

emergenetics-colors.pngWhy Use Emergenetics?

Emergenetics is an easy to understand communications profile that is effective for the workplace, individuals, and students.  It is unique in the fact that it differentiates how we think from our observable behaviors.  To uncover how someone thinks, we are able to understand what makes that person tick and what motivates and drives their performance.  And when we identify our behavioral preferences, we gain an appreciation for just how much energy we put into these behaviors.  It all makes perfect sense when it comes together!

Explore your Emergenetics preferences now.  We offer the lowest cost Emergenetics assessments and provide volume discounts for quantity purchases.

The power behind the Emergenetics Profile is the opportunity to explore the differences between Thinking Styles (not readily observable by others) and Behavioral Traits (how others perceive you).  Gain valuable insight into how to leverage your individual strengths and explore strategies to manage identified challenge.  This low cost Emergenetics profile includes a debrief call with a certified Emergenetics Associate; full narrative report; access to the Emergenetics+ App; and tips for immediate application.

Four Thinking Attributes

Each person possesses, to a certain degree, each Thinking Attribute.  It is the energy you generate around these Attributes that distinguishes your personality.  Awareness of Thinking Attributes provides team members with the opportunity to leverage strengths and energy providing increased engagement and collaboration across the team.  The Emergenetics Profile highlights the percentages across each of the Thinking Attributes.  Ultimately individuals are a blend of the four Thinking Attributes with one or more Attributes being more prominent.  A Thinking Preference is determined with a result of ≥ 23%.

Analytical Thinking (represented by the color blue) is logical, rational, objective, factual, and skeptical.

Structural Thinking (represented by the color green) is practical, cautious, predictable, and methodical.

Social Thinking (represented by the color red) is sympathetic, connected, socially aware, and intuitive about other people.

Conceptual Thinking (represented by the color yellow) is imaginative, creative, innovative, visionary, and intuitive about ideas.

Three Behavioral Attributes

The Behavioral Attributes are what people notice about you.  They can’t see how you think, but they can observe how you behave.  To refine the process further, the Behavioral Attributes are described along a spectrum.  This continuum is split into thirds to provide individuals with a clear understanding of how scores fall across each of the Behavioral Attributes.

jimmy-doe-individualprofilereport.jpgExpressiveness is the outward display of emotions toward others and the world-at-large.  People who are on the left side of the Expressiveness continuum (first-third) are reserved, quiet, private, and self-sufficient.  People on the right side of the continuum (third-third) like to attract attention.  They are outgoing, affectionate, and easy to talk to.

Assertiveness is the style and pace with which you advance thoughts, feelings, and beliefs to drive results.  People on the left side of the Assertiveness continuum (first-third) are easygoing, amiable, and even passive.  People on the right side of the continuum (third-third) are driving, competitive, and even confrontational.

Flexibility is our willingness to accommodate the thoughts and actions of other people – adaptability to change.  People who are on the left side of the Flexibility continuum (first-third) have strong opinions, prefer defined situations, and can be stubborn.  People on the right side of the continuum (third-third) are accommodating, open to suggestions, and can be indecisive.

The Power of Seven Attributes

Consider an individual who has an Analytical Thinking preference.  This person might be seen as logical, enjoys research, learns by mental analysis, and makes conclusions based on facts.  Assessments that measure across four areas will not highlight the key personality differences of how an Analytical Thinker might show up.  The inclusion of Behavioral Attributes in the Emergenetics® Profile provides insight into different approaches across Expressiveness, Assertiveness, and Flexibility.  The bottom line – Analytical Thinkers cannot be stereotyped.  This is critical to increasing understanding of individuals and driving engagement across teams.

Discover Your Emergenetics Preferences Now

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