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INFLUENCE - DiSC Personality Styles in Detail
I = Influence
General Characteristics:
General Characteristics:
Value to Team:
Creative problem solver
Great encourager
Motivates others to achieve
Positive sense of humor
Negotiates conflicts
Possible Weaknesses:
More concerned with popularity than tangible results
Inattentive to detail
Overuses gestures and facial expressions
Tends to listen only when it's convenient
Greatest Fear:
- Rejection
Motivated By:
A friendly environment
Freedom from many rules and regulations
Other people available to handle details
Ideal Environment:
Practical procedures
Few conflicts and arguments
Freedom from controls and details
A forum to express ideas
Group activities in professional and social environments
High "I" Personalities May Want:
Social esteem and acceptance
Freedom from details and control
People to talk to
Positive working conditions
Recognition for abilities
Opportunity to motivate and influence others
When working with an "I" DO:
Build a favorable, friendly environment
Give opportunity for them to verbalize about ideas, people and their intuition
Assist them in developing ways to transfer talk into action
Share testimonials from others relating to proposed ideas
Allow time for stimulating, sociable activities
Submit details in writing, but don't dwell on them
Develop a participative relationship
Create incentives for following through on tasks
When working with an "I" DON'T:
Eliminate social time
Do all the talking
Ignore their ideas or accomplishments
Tell them what to do
While analyzing information, a High "I" may:
Lose concentration
Miss important facts and details
Be creative in problem solving
I's possess these positive characteristics in teams:
Instinctive communicators
Participative managers - influence and inspire
Motivate the team
Spontaneous and agreeable
Respond well to the unexpected
Create an atmosphere of well being
Provide direction and leadership
Express ideas well
Work well with other people
Make good spokespersons
Will offer opinions
Have a positive attitude
Accomplish goals through people
Good sense of humor
Accepting of others
Strong in brainstorming sessions
Personal Growth Areas for "I" Personalities:
Weigh the pros and cons before making a decision
Be less impulsive
Be more results oriented
Exercise control over your actions, words, and emotions
Focus more on details and facts
Remember to slow down your pace for other team members
Talk less; listen more
Consider and evaluate ideas from other team members
Concentrate on following through with tasks
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