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Profile Assessments



EQ-i 2.0 Workplace Report



eqi-2.0-applications.pngWhen to Use the EQ-i 2.0 Workplace Report?

An employee's skills and qualifications are certainly important for success within a current role.  An employee's emotional intelligence is just as important, if not more so, to reach their highest potential within and beyond their current role.  The EQ-i 2.0 Workplace Report is an employee personality assessment and test designed to be used in:

  • coaching and development situations for an individual at a non-management level
  • helps coaches focus on the impact of emotional intelligence at work
  • offers suggestions for working more effectively in one's role with colleagues, supervisors and client

Key Features of the EQ-i 2.0 Workplace Report

decision-making-composite.pngOverview of Employee's Results:  Get an overall picture of your client's complete EQ-i 2.0 results along with definitions of each subscale.

  • Quickly identify patterns in your employee's profile
  • Give your employee a clear, organized understanding of their strengths and weaknesses in a constructive way
  • Effectively measure where your employee is and wants to be by comparing results against sample groups of general population or professional respondents

Emotional Intelligence Subscale.pngIndividual Subscale Pages:  With an employee personality assessment and test, you gain deeper insight into how each subscale impacts your client's work performance (i.e. conflict resolution, change management, teamwork, decision making, etc) - with suggested strategies customized based on the individual's results.

  • This section is the foundation for making relevant links between the employee's behavior at work and emotional skill set
  • Get specific and actionable strategies to drive your client's success in each subscale
  • Provide helpful information on each EI skill in language that enables the employee to utilize strengths

Balance EI:  Take interpretation further by making important links between key scales with the Balancing EI section.

  • balancing-emotional-intelligence.pngMake instant connections between related subscales and help the employee to leverage EI strengths and improve EI weaknesses
  • Get started on feedback with pre-designed narratives explaining the common traits of imbalanced emotional intelligence skills
  • Save preparation time as much of the interpretation is done for you based on the individual's results

What Can I Expect When I Complete the EQ-i 2.0 Workplace Profile?

Each employee personality assessment and test, includes a private debriefing/coaching session with a certified EQ-i 2.0 associate. The profile will be completed on-line with results delivered immediately upon completion.

Our certified associate will provide you with insight into areas of strength and challenge areas. An actionable plan will be outlined identifying specific strategies to help focus priority areas of improvement. Associated measures will be discussed to determine important milestones for progress over time.

eq-i-manual.jpgFee for EQ-i 2.0 Workplace Profile includes:

  • EQ-i 2.0 Workplace Assessment/Report
  • Confidential Debrief/Coaching Session
  • Application Resources for On-Going Implementation of Results

View the EQ-i 2.0 Workplace Sample Report


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