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DiSC Facilitation Tools & Learning Aids
DiSC Offers a wide range of Facilitation Accessories and Resources to complement DiSC Profiles and reinforce the learning experience. Engage your team with tools that put DiSC principles into action.
DiSC Facilitation Kits
Deliver a powerful program using the Everything DiSC Facilitators Materials. Three 90 minute in-depth modules include fully-scripted facilitation with engaging activities and workplace-focused video.
Easily Customizable: Modify PowerPoint, Leader's Guide, Handouts and switch out Video Clips to create a customized program for your team.
What's included:
- Leader's Guide in MS Word
- PowerPoint with embedded video
- Stand-alone, menu-driven video
- Participant handouts in MS Word
- Templates and Images for Customization
- Sample Everything DiSC Profile
- Sample Everything DiSC Comparison Report
- Online resources and research
Easy-to-Use: The entire Everything DiSC Facilitation Kit is totally portable delivered on a USB drive. Facilitation materials, video, PowerPoint, and support documents are contained on the USB drive.
Order the Everything DiSC Workplace Facilitation Kit
Order the Everything Agile EQ Facilitator Kit
Order the Everything DiSC Productive Conflict Facilitator Kit
Order the Everything DiSC Management Facilitation Kit
Order the Everything DiSC Sales Facilitation Kit
Order the Everything DiSC Work of Leaders Facilitation Kit
Order the DiSC Classic Facilitation System
Management Interaction Guides
Engage participants with this interactive training tool for use with the Everything DiSC Management Training Kit. The Everything DiSC Management Interaction Guide is a tool for managers to be used when engaging with employees. Using the Everything DiSC Management Map, managers are guided by tips of how to work with each DiSC style. They are the perfect size to fit into a wallet, dayplanner, or briefcase.
Sales Customer Interaction Guides
Engage participants with this interactive training tool for use with the Everything DiSC Sales Training Kit. The Everything DiSC Sales Customer Interaction Guide is a tool for sales professionals to be used when engaging with a new prospect or as a refresher before a big sales call. Using the Everything DiSC Sales Map, managers are guided by tips of how to work with each DiSC style. They are the perfect size to fit into a wallet, dayplanner, or briefcase.
Workplace Style Guides
Engage participants with this interactive training tool for use with the Everything DiSC Workplace Training Kit. Participants will create their own personalized Everything DiSC Map, indicating their DiSC style and list specific ways they prefer to be communicated with in the workplace. Participants can display their DiSC Map at work to increase the effectiveness of working relationships.
Facilitators Report
This 17 page DISC Facilitators Report provides a summary of team results that includes: Team Map of Styles, DiSC Culture, DiSC Team Style and Team Style Data Table. Coaching tips are provided that highlight key strategies for developing the team: leveraging team strengths, managing team challenges and identifying team gap areas.
Ideal for pre-session planning to help craft strategies for working with specific groups and individuals. A composite of a group's DiSC styles, including the names and styles of each participant, and graphics that illustrate at-a-glance the distribution of styles within the group that suggest ways to customize the delivery of the material or plan for breakout sessions to get the most out of the program.
Group Culture Report
Everything DiSC® Group Culture Report: Examines the DiSC culture of a group, exploring the advantages and disadvantages of each style, its influence on decision making and risk taking, and its effect on group members individually—based on different DiSC styles.
QuikDiSC Card Game
Engage participants with this entertaining card based game most often used as a high-energy program icebreaker. It introduces participants to the four styles of DiSC while increasing training effectiveness and retention of styles. Includes 128 cards divided into four, color-coded groups of 32 cards each. Each group has four sets of eight words which describe D, i, S, C behavioral dimensions. Complete instructions and ideas for use with small and large groups are included.
Classic DVD
Engage participants with this interactive training DVD tool for use with the DiSC Classic Facilitation Training Kit. The DiSC Classic DVD provides over one hour of video with 68 selectable segments. The DiSC Classic DVD is menu-driven and offers four sections of hands-on, real-life workplace scenarios.
- Pure DiSC Styles in Action
- DiSC Styles During an Interactive Meeting
- Effective Communication During an HR Interview Process
- Natural Styles of Communication
Everything DiSC® is a trademark of John Wiley & Sons, Inc. or its affiliated companies.